09 January 2011

a new year...

my blog sure has been quiet lately, but life sure has not.  time keeps ticking away and my mind is racing with all the things i wish i would have time to write about.  so...without further ado and in no particular order...here is my first word vomit of the year.

Christmas was great amazing phenomenal.  :o) i invited a certain friend along, and he officially became my boyfriend on Christmas day.  God apparently decided to throw me a crazy surprise amidst the festivities of the month of December.  i will have to properly introduce you to Andrew soon with a picture, but for now you will have to wait...

God recently used a sermon to speak peace into a rocky place in my faith walk.  so excited to share about that.  for now, if you are interested in the scripture involved, read about Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22:1-19.

my heart is heavy tonight for my friend Christina.  i met her about seven years ago while working in cannon beach and was so blessed by her passion and faith.  three-ish years ago she began walking through a new season of life as doctors discovered a brain tumor.  she has fought hard and was in remission until just recently.  she will be undergoing another brain surgery on wednesday.  to catch a glimpse of how God is moving in her life, go visit her here!  i have been so blessed by her transparency and words of hope.  PLEASE PRAY!

a couple months ago, i felt God calling me to embark on a grand adventure this september and as long as i get accepted and finances are miraculously worked out, i will be heading to BELIZE!  i am working on the application these next couple weeks, and will try to keep you updated on details.  for now, go check out the YWAM website for my base.  :o)

whew!  yeah... 2011 is shaping up to be an interesting year indeed...can't wait to see what God has planned!

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