01 September 2009

paper bag puppets: phase 2

azariah's zebra turned out cute! he liked having it on his arm (for short periods of time...)

mari wasn't sure about putting her pig puppet on her arm. she wanted to look at it and study it.

meshach's bald eagle turned out to be my favorite. one of the first things he asked this morning is if i had brought the glue. he is so proud of his puppet.

shortly after meeting the toddlers, ms. pig and mr. zebra had limbs amputated and were quite beaten up. poor puppets...never had a chance.


Alexis said...

I need to work on Emma coloring. I went through a stage where I was having her paint, draw and color. But not so much anymore...

Katelyn said...

They never did have a chance :( Too bad you didn't give them legs so they could run!