24 September 2009

dreams come true...

yesterday, i got my dream car!!!  this last week, i've had the privilege of having a front row seat to watch how God provides and blesses situations.

sometime in high school i fell in love with mazda miatas.  however i didn't really see myself ever owning one.  not very practical for families and i had figured i'd be married within a few years of graduating.  yeah...still waiting for that.  :o)

my trusty car (lance), the green camry, had proved to be a reliable car but had several things that needed to be fixed.  instead of getting them fixed, i decided that i would much rather get a different car....to be specific, a miata.  so for the last couple weeks (with an immeasurable amount of help from my friend dave) the search was on!  it was decided that i'd see how much i would get for lance.  the fun began on saturday.  i honestly thought that this process could drag for several weeks if not months, but here is the actual timeline...

saturday ~ parked my car with for sale signs.  one offer.
sunday ~ person called back with higher offer.  i decided to take a leap and sell my car before making a purchase.  going to borrow my brother's car (stick shift...)
monday ~  $$$ exchanged for lance.  looked at a miata, saw potential, dave talked them down $1000!  started to learn how to drive stick shift.  people madly gesture at me for my poor skills.  i laughed.
tuesday ~ decision time.  i want to buy the miata.  dave set appointment for mechanic check.
wednesday ~ mechanic check.  drove away with the top down!  and then stalled it repeatedly...  :o)

i am so blessed.  blessed with a miata.  blessed by all the time and effort dave put into this.  blessed by my family who has supported my decisions and helped in any way that they could.  blessed by God, who loves and cherishes me more than i could ever imagine.

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