29 October 2010

sunny day.

it is almost november and God has blessed me with a sunny day.  not only is the weather fantastic, but peace and joy have infiltrated my heart.

here are some pictures from last saturday...on a night that was not quite as sunny.  these pictures just bring a smile to my face.

this is a group of us from church going to get lost in a corn maze.
*taken while waiting in the wrong line...oops*

rain boots almost magically transform me into a little kid again.  many puddles were jumped in and i had a blast sliding and slipping through the mud.

we wrapped up the night with caramel apples, hot chocolate and lots of laughter.  it's not too often that i take the time to be a kid again.  that needs to change.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

looks like so much fun with great friends!