06 October 2010

oy vey!

it's list time...again.  i don't seem to have time to put together a regular post so here it goes...
  • my laptop's hardware went bad.  luckily the warranty still had it covered!  it was weird to be without my computer for a while.
  • i went to the beach with friends!  we randomly picked the right weekend because it was PERFECT weather.  i also cried several times during the day and my stomach hurt...we were laughing so hard all day long!
  • i'm going to the Women of Faith conference this weekend.  looking forward to it because i've heard it's amazing...but my schedule has been so packed, i'm praying that i'm not so tired that i can't enjoy it.
  • after a long break, i'm finally being inspired to take pictures again.  i love capturing the moment.
  • another stage of "i have nothing to wear..." has hit.  yep...i even blogged about it last year.  my theory has been confirmed.
  • the other day, an ATM machine (the redundancy makes me laugh because a lot of people say it...including me) ate the money i was trying to withdraw.  not a good feeling when you get the nice receipt saying that you got the money when you didn't.  apparently after filing an ATM dispute, it will take 8-10 days to get your money back.  oh, and i found the out of order sign sitting in the trash next to the machine... note to self:  glance in the trash before starting transactions.
  • i love getting dressed up for occasions.  however, about two hours after said celebration i was happily back in jeans and a hoodie for the rest of the evening.
  • the weather this october has been phenomenal.  the sunshine has not officially retired for eight months yet.  :o)
  • i have a gazillion blog post ideas rolling around my head but ZERO time...thank you Wonder Pets for a few minutes of time for this list.
well. my brain is tired...along with everything else.  until next time...

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