23 January 2010

overwhelming love.

the peacefulness of sleep draws me in.  i could stare at these little ones sleeping for a long time without being bored.  love oozes out of my being as i watch them rest.  any baby can melt my heart simply by being themselves.


one thing really astounds me.  God loves us in this same way but infinitely more.  He adores us.  we don't need to be striving, but simply resting in His peace. 

i have a hard time accepting that He loves me unless i'm doing something and doing it well.  checklists and obligations often trump the relational importance of being present in the moment.


God, draw me into your presence.  help me relish the time with you.  tear down the religious spirit of striving and replace it with an unquenchable desire to be close to you.  highlight the times throughout the day that i could set apart for you.  i want to know you more.  thank you for your overwhelming love.

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