11 June 2010

i'm a little slow...

God has been speaking to me since before march 24th about my schedule.  i have felt His prompting to let go of a commitment and i have been fighting it ever since.

on my walk/run the other day, God gave me a picture of my reluctance.  i am like the hundreds of slugs that i have seen inching their way across the road.  the cars fly by and some slugs are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  my disobedience has kept me at the same intersection for quite awhile now.  the longer i sit here, the more likely i am to be run over.

it's time to move.


Carrie Van Horn said...

Awesome post...I love the analogy. I think that many of us are struggling with this. Thanks for the motivation. Hope you have a blessed weekend. :-)

Heather said...

You continually write so beautifully and eloquently. I love reading your blog. I miss hanging out and talking with you like in HS. If it's encouraging to you at all, you have always pushed me to grow in our friendship, so just listen to what you think God is saying. You hear right. You are beautiful and amazing, and don't second guess yourself (I know it's easier said than done from experience). Love you!