30 August 2009

movie night

last night, i was craving a laugh so i pulled out this movie. now if you have never seen evan almighty, i recommend it. for being a secular film, it has a few nuggets of amazing truth that absolutely floor me.

reporter to evan: "what makes you so sure that God chose you?"
evan: "He chose all of us."

"if someone prays for patience, do you think that God gives them patience or does He give them opportunities to be patient? if He prays for courage, does He give them courage or does He give them opportunities to be courageous? if someone prayed for family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings or does He give them opportunities to love each other?"

such profound truths. He has called each of us for specific things that only we can do. we tend to pray for things then get frustrated that it's not exactly what we wanted. anyways...just stuff to think about.

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